
Welcome to the website of the Department of Agricultural Economics

History of the Department

The department has been operating under the auspices of several predecessor institutions since 1954. It took its current name – Department of Agricultural Economics – on 1 August 2022, as a result of reorganisations within the faculty.

Training profile

The department is composed of eight qualified lecturers and one administrative staff member, while the teaching and research work of the department is supported by four emeritus professors and 3 honorary associate professors. Our tasks include the teaching of subjects of economic nature, and the department is also in charge of instructing students for the Teacher of Agricultural Engineering MSc program. In addition, the Agricultural and Business Digitalisation BSc program and the Agricultural Economics MSc program are in the process of being launched. Furthermore, the new courses will offer the chance to deliver advanced training in modern agricultural economics and agricultural sciences (precision agriculture, agricultural digitalisation, short supply chain and supply chain management).

Participation in international training

All faculty members of the department play an active role in the internationalisation process of the University. In the Agricultural and Food Engineering BSc courses we have been teaching the following subjects in English for several years: Human resource management, Basic Principles of Economics, Agricultural basic studies, Farm management I, II, Statistics, Basics of Accounting, Agricultural Economics I, and Managing Enterprises.

Main research areas

  • The role of short food supply chains, development opportunities for community supported agriculture.
  • Examining the sustainability reporting practices of domestic agricultural companies.
  • Analysis of the financial situation of Hungarian food companies.
  • Taxonomic assessment of sustainability reports in food processing.

Educational, service competences

  • Agri-food (sectoral/business) economic analysis, evaluation, study preparation.
  • Exploring consumer and customer preferences using qualitative and quantitative market research methods.
  • Solving work organisation tasks, preparing rationalisation proposals.
  • Economic calculations, efficiency studies, cost and income calculations.

Corporate, social relations

The department has established a wide network of business and professional contacts and our lecturers take an active role in the work of the Institute of Agricultural Economics Nonprofit Kft. (AKI), the Veszprém Academic Committee of Sciences (VEAB), the Agricultural Economics Committee of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, the editorial board of the Agricultural Economics scientific journal (Gazdálkodás), the county-level branches of the Chambers of Agriculture and the Győr-Moson-Sopron County Chamber of Commerce and Industry. Our non-educational/research activities include the promotion and organisation of professional/public events, professional lectures, and presentations. Our ambition is to provide talented students with a secure opportunity for further education and those entering the labour market with reliable and practice-oriented knowledge. 20201210_Vár_Kalmár.jpg

Head of department:

Szabolcs Troján PhD
associate professor

E-mail: trojan.szabolcs@sze.hu

H-9200 Mosonmagyaróvár, Vár 2.
Telefon: +36 96/566-643



Tímea Kocsis

E-mail: kocsis.timea@sze.hu
Telefon: +36 96/566-792